


  1. BLUE HORIZONS FLYING CLUB, INC., hereinafter referred to as the "Club" or by name, is an Ohio Non-Profit Corporation organized for the purpose of providing for the social fellowship of the Club's members through the ownership of private aircraft for the members personal, recreational and instructional flying. The mission of the club is to promote the camaraderie and fellowship of pilots and provide well-maintained aircraft for members' use at reasonable cost.


  1. Membership in the Club is a voluntary privilege. The number of members in the club is limited to 130 total members. Membership in the Club is provisional and may be terminated by the Board of Officers at any time with or without cause. Any member whose membership in the club is terminated shall, upon return of the aircraft deposit, have no recourse against the Club, any member, or any Officer of the Club.
  2. All membership applicants shall provide a completed membership application to the Board of Officers for consideration as a Club Member and shall also provide such other documents as requested consistent with the individual's airmen certificate, as well as pay the aircraft deposit. An applicant shall be granted membership only upon the consent of at least 3 members of the Board of Officers, except in the case of a previous member who is re-applying, in which case approval is required by majority vote by the board members present at the next meeting of the Board of Officers.

    1. All aircraft deposits paid by applicants who are not approved for membership shall be returned within 30 days.
    2. The club will not disclose members' personal information to outside parties except as required by law, in the due course of business (such as for insurance purposes), or as necessary in the interest of safety. Members are not to disclose the club roster to outside parties or use the roster for any commercial purpose, with the exception of occasional training related announcements, without prior permission of the board.


  1. Club membership classifications are as follows:
    1. Regular: Regular membership is open to all individuals of good moral character who are responsible and financially able to meet the obligations of the club, and who profess an interest in aviation. Regular members in good standing are entitled to hold office and to vote on all issues brought before the membership of the Club. Regular members are entitled to fly aircraft as set forth in Appendix A, consistent with their hours, airmen certificate, medical requirements and good standing with the Club. The regular membership deposit is $1,250.
    2. Associate: Associate membership is open to all member's spouses and up to two dependent children. Associate members shall be sponsored by a Regular member who shall be responsible for the flying time and payment of the dues of the Associate member. Associate membership dues shall be one-half (1/2) of the current regular membership monthly dues. Associate members do not have to pay a deposit.
    3. Inactive: An existing member who wishes to retain Membership in the Club but is not able or does not desire to fly may retain Membership as an inactive Member by request to the General Manager. Inactive membership is intended for members who have become, or anticipate becoming, physically, mentally, legally, financially or geographically unable to fly with the Club and anticipate being so for at least 6 months. Inactive membership is not available to members who simply do not like to fly in cold weather, as the club's fixed expenses covered by member's dues know no season.
    4. Inactive Military: Members that are unable to participate in Club benefits due to U.S. military obligations may apply to become Inactive Military. If approved by the board, such members need not pay dues and any time-limited discount shall be extended for the duration of their obligation as approved.
    5. Pinch Hitter: A Pinch Hitter membership is available to individuals that are sponsored by a Regular or Associate member in good standing. The intention of a Pinch Hitter membership is solely to improve safety by allowing instruction in Club aircraft; it is not to be used as a trial membership. A member may sponsor a maximum of 1 Pinch Hitter per 12 calendar months. A Pinch Hitter membership is valid for a maximum of 3 calendar months. A Pinch Hitter member may only operate club aircraft under the instruction of an approved instructor and may not receive any training intended for use towards a certificate or rating. A Pinch Hitter need not pay a membership deposit or monthly dues, but is subject to a nonrefundable $100 application fee. In the event of non-payment, the sponsoring member will be held jointly liable.
    6. Approved Flight Instructor: Approved Flight Instructor membership is availble to Certified Flight Instructors that are qualified to give instruction to Club Members in Club aircraft. AFI members do not have voting rights and are not permitted to fly Club airplanes unless giviing or receiving instruction to/from a Member in good standing. AFI members are not required to have a deposit with the Club and do not pay dues.
    7. The Board shall have the power to adjust the dues and/or rates for certain members for promotional purposes. This action must be designed, intended, and expected to benefit The Club as a whole. This action requires a unanimous vote of The Board to approve, and any such approved adjustment may be cancelled by a majority vote of The Board.
  2. Good Standing: Member in Good Standing means that the member is current in the payment of the monthly dues and flying time. The Board of Officers is authorized to waive the payment of dues for individuals who devote substantial time or resources to Club affairs.
  3. Voluntary Surrender or Removal: Any Member may voluntarily surrender membership in the Club at any time. In the event of voluntary surrender or removal, the Club will refund the membership deposit paid less a ten percent administrative charge and any unpaid dues, flight time charges or other charges. However, any member who notifies the club within 30 days of joining of their intention to terminate their membership shall not be subject to the ten percent administrative charge. Club Memberships may not be sold. The Club will refund a membership deposit, less 10 percent and any outstanding charges, to the estate of a deceased member.
  4. Membership Ownership Interest: Membership in the Club denotes a non-exclusive ownership interest in the Club aircraft. Members are not entitled to the distribution of any operating surplus or net savings in the Club. All surplus remaining after all operating costs and other expenses are paid shall be retained by the Club to accomplish its purpose.
  5. Voluntary or Involuntary Termination of the Club: Upon the termination of the Club's affairs, liquidation of Club assets, and payment of Club liabilities, all Regular Members shall be entitled to the return of their membership deposit. The sum of $10,000 shall be donated to the Bowling Green State University Aviation program, the sum of $10,000 shall be donated to The Ohio State University Aviation Program, and the balance donated to the AOPA Air Safety Foundation, and the EAA Aviation Foundation, both IRC 501(c)(3) organizations, as the Board of Officers shall decide. If there are insufficient funds to accomplish all of the above, they will be executed in the order shown.
  6. Club Obligations: Members may not cause the Club to incur any obligation, for maintenance or other services, nor aircraft or equipment, without prior approval of the General Manager or a Club Officer.
  7. Social Events: All members in good standing, regardless of classification, may attend all social events.


  1. All Regular Members are required to pay the regular membership deposit upon application to join the Club along with the first month's dues. Monthly dues are intended to cover fixed costs of the club whereas the flight time rates are intended to cover operational costs including short and long term maintenance. Monthly dues and aircraft hourly rates may be changed to reflect operational costs and financial needs of the Club on an as needed basis by the board of officers. Current rates are depicted in Appendix A.
  2. Monthly dues are assessed in advance at the beginning of every month and are included with a statement of the previous months flying time. Any member whose unpaid balance is carried forward to the next month's billing cycle is classified as past due. The flying privileges will be suspended for any member who is past due until the current balance is paid in full.
  3. In the event of unusual or extreme circumstances, the Board of Officers is authorized to levy special assessments on the membership for the purpose of meeting such situations.
  4. The Board of Officers may reduce the monthly dues of any member based on service rendered to the club or in extenuating circumstances.


  1. Membership Meetings
  2. Organizational: The Club Organizational meeting shall be held within 90 days of the end of the fiscal year. This is the Club's annual meeting. A quorum at any membership meeting shall be the members present. Notice of any Organizational meeting shall be sent to the member's last known physical address or email address and shall normally be sent along with the monthly statement. Notice is effective upon mailing to the Member. Members are responsible for keeping the Club advised of any changes in address.
    1. Special: If an emergency arises such that a decision must be made before the annual meeting, the President and any two other officers, or the Vice President and any two other officers, may call a special meeting upon 10 days notice to the membership. Any action taken at a special meeting shall be binding on the membership.
    2. General: General meetings may also be called by any three officers upon the recommendation of any member wishing to organize the meeting for the purpose of information sharing among members and the Board of Officers. Any such general meeting will be communicated to the membership via email. General meetings shall also be called for social events, safety meetings, and classes.
    3. Attendance: Member attendance at meetings is voluntary. However, members in good standing are encouraged to attend all of the meetings and take an active role in the Club. All members, whether attending or not are bound by the decisions made at the Club Membership meetings.
  3. Meetings of the Board of Officers
    1. Board of Officers. The Board of Officers shall meet to review club operations, finances, and to address any member concerns or grievances at least every 120 days. The presence of four Officers is required to constitute a quorum and conduct club business. An officer who participates via teleconference shall be deemed "present" by a majority vote of the Officers present in person. Organizational, special, and general meetings qualify as meetings of the Board of Officers as long as a the Officer quorum requirement is met. "Approval by the Board of Officers" is defined as approval of the majority number of the Officers present at any meeting of the Board of Officers.
    2. The general membership is encouraged to attend Meetings of the Board of Officers. The Board of Officers reserves the right to remove any member from such meeting if the member creates such a disturbance as to prevent the due process of the meeting.


  1. The election of Officers shall be held at the Organizational meeting each year. All nominations will be closed prior to the call to vote. All ordinary Members and Officers shall have one vote.
  2. At the Organizational meeting, the membership may submit nominations for the positions to be filled. In the event there are insufficient nominations for the open positions, the President may appoint a nominating committee of three members to present a slate to the membership.
  3. All uncontested offices may be confirmed by acclamation by a majority of the members present entitled to vote. Contested offices will be decided upon by written ballot appropriate for the offices to be elected.
  4. Absentee ballots will not be used. Any member entitled to vote and unable to attend the election meeting may designate another voting member as a proxy. All proxies shall be designated and announced as such prior to the call to vote.


  1. The Club Officers shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Safety Officer, and Maintenance Officer, who shall comprise the Board of Officers. The Officers are elected to represent the interests of the overall club membership. The term of office for the Officers begins immediately upon election and runs until the next election. The duties of each office are as follows:
    1. President: The President shall preside at all meetings and be responsible for the conduct of all Club activities. The President is the chief executive officer of the Club. The President shall also have signature authority on all Club accounts and shall assume the function of the Treasurer in the event that the Treasurer is absent or incapacitated.
    2. Vice President: The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in the absence, incapacity or resignation of the President, as well as any other duties assigned by the Board of Officers.
    3. Secretary: The Secretary shall take the minutes of all meetings and insure that all officers receive a timely copy of the minutes. The Secretary is charged with the additional function of Club Historian.
    4. Treasurer: The Treasurer is responsible for all financial matters of the Club. The Treasurer shall maintain such accounts as are appropriate for the Club. All disbursements shall be through a Club checking account whenever possible. The Treasurer shall also prepare and submit a balance sheet and income/expense statement for the fiscal year and budget for the coming fiscal year for the review and approval by the Membership at the Organizational meeting. The Treasurer shall also be responsible for the preparation of a financial forecast in accordance with sound financial practices.
    5. Safety Officer: The Safety Officer is responsible for recommending safe operating and flying procedures for the Club, as well as overseeing their implementation as appropriate. The Safety Officer shall be responsible for dissemination of appropriate training and flying information to the Members. The Safety Officer is also designated as the Club Chief Pilot.
    6. Maintenance Officer: The Maintenance Officer is responsible for maintaining current information in the logbooks of the aircraft, for maintaining the Club's aircraft in proper operating airworthy condition, and for compliance with all Federal Aviation Regulations and Airworthiness Directives. The Maintenance Officer shall be responsible for all maintenance documents, including all aircraft, engine, avionics and propeller logbooks, and for the execution of all documents required for the completion of major repairs and overhauls.
    7. General Manager: A General Manager shall be designated by the Board of Officers to manage the day to day administrative and routine managerial functions of the Club. The General Manager shall be responsible to and accountable to the Board of Officers.
  2. In the event that any elected officer resigns, is incapacitated or is otherwise unwilling or unable to continue their duties:
    1. The position may be left vacant with its duties reassigned by the President; or
    2. The board may appoint a replacement for that position on an interim basis not to exceed 120 days by majority vote of a quorum the remaining board if enough board members remain to constitute a quorum. If insufficient board members remain to form a quorum then a unanimous vote is required.
    3. The interim board member may be affirmed for the remaining duration of the original term by vote of the general membership at a meeting held for such purpose with at least 30 days notice. The quorum for such vote shall be the members present that are eligible to vote.
    4. In the event that a quorum of the membership does not vote at such a meeting, the position shall be filled on an interim basis again as described in paragraph (a).


  1. Monthly statements to members: A statement shall be mailed by the 5th day of each month to all members who have incurred charges payable to the club as of the time of preparation of the statement.
  2. Dues, flying time, other charges, and any previous balance carried forward are required to be received by the club by the 25th of each month. Statements not paid by the 25th of each month will incur a charge of 1.5% per month on the unpaid balance. The flying privileges will be suspended for any member who is past due until the current balance is paid in full. Failure to pay may result in termination of club membership.
  3. Handling of accounts receivable: An electronic journal shall be kept of all payments by members, fuel credits and other credits, indicating the bank deposit in which any payment was included. The sum of all member payments and other income included in a particular deposit shall be reconciled as equaling the amount of the bank deposit. All payments submitted by members shall be deposited within 10 days of receipt.
  4. Cash asset accounts and loans: No cash asset account shall be opened or closed and no loan shall be applied for without the approval of the Board of Officers.
  5. Financial statements: The financial statements prepared by the Treasurer will adhere to and reflect continuous use of generally accepted accounting principles and will include an audit trail to all source documents. The chart of accounts shall include as a minimum the following:
    1. Income:
      1. Flight time charges
      2. Tie-downs and hangar rental
      3. New member share income
      4. Interest
      5. Aircraft sales
    2. Fixed Expense:
      1. Aircraft insurance
      2. Periodic licenses and registration fees
      3. Property insurance
      4. Airport use charges (Metcalf)
      5. Aircraft reservation system
      6. Utilities
      7. Non-aircraft loan payments or expense
      8. Taxes
      9. Office expense
      10. Publications
    3. Aircraft operating expense:
      1. Fuel credits
      2. Oil
      3. Parts (for club-performed maintenance)
      4. Maintenance (non-club performed maintenance)
      5. Annual inspections
      6. Engine rebuilds/replacement
    4. Other:
      1. Miscellaneous expense
      2. Membership deposits refunded to members
      3. Aircraft purchases and loan payments
    5. Club social activities
  6. Expenditures: With the exception of expenditures to which the club is legally obligated, and parts purchases or maintenance services approved by the Maintenance Officer, no purchase may be made, no asset disposed of and no service contracted for an amount exceeding $500 without the approval of the Board of Officers.


  1. Monthly dues shall be computed on a not-for-profit basis so as to cover anticipated fixed expenses, future aircraft purchases and upgrades, a base amount to cover annual inspections, and reserves. However, a portion of individual aircraft insurance and/or aircraft loan payments or allocatable purchase charges or anticipated upgrade expenses may be covered instead by:
    1. Flight time charges for a particular aircraft so as to cover that portion of the expense that is excessive compared to the average club aircraft; or
    2. An additional monthly dues charge for members authorized to fly the aircraft in question.
  2. Flight time hourly rates shall be "wet rates" (fuel included with purchases reimbursable) and shall be set on a not-for-profit basis based on anticipated expenses and flight time including the following:
    1. Anticipated flight time
    2. Fuel cost based on typical hourly consumption rates and the standard fuel reimbursement rate stated in Appendix A. The standard fuel reimbursement rate shall be set by the Board of Officers. The standard fuel reimbursement rate is the rate at which members are reimbursed for their fuel purchases.
    3. Anticipated routine maintenance expense and adjustments for past maintenance costs
    4. Escrow for engine, propeller, and other Time-between-overhaul based expenses
    5. Anticipated annual inspection cost in excess of the base amount covered under the monthly dues calculation
    6. Insurance in excess of the base amount covered under the monthly dues calculation
    7. Aircraft purchase-related or upgrade-related expenses in excess of the base amount covered under the monthly dues calculation
  3. The formulas for monthly dues and aircraft flight time hourly rates, assumptions of all variable factors and estimated costs, and the resultant calculated dues and rates are to be developed, documented, and approved by the Board of Officers at least once during the fiscal year. All documentation and calculations thusly approved shall be available to any member upon request.


  1. All duly elected Officers are also the Trustees of the Club during their term of office. The relationship of elected Officers and Trustees is one of dual status, and, as such, the Officers have the same powers as Trustees under Ohio law, including by way of illustration and not limitation, the power to remove members and to fill certain vacancies of Officers until the next Annual Meeting.


  1. The Club shall have the following Standing Committees:
    1. Accident Investigation Committee: The Accident Investigation Committee shall be co-chaired by the Club Maintenance Officer and Club Safety Officer and shall consist of those individuals and up to three other non-Officer Members appointed by the President. The Accident Investigation Committee shall be responsible for investigation of all club accidents or incidents. The Accident Investigation Committee is empowered to fix liability if the Board determines that such liability is warranted under the circumstances of the Accident or Incident. Any member who is assessed liability by the Accident Investigation Committee is entitled to a hearing of the circumstances before the membership at a Special Meeting called for such a purpose or at the Annual Meeting.
    2. Safety Committee: This committee is chaired by the Safety Officer and shall consist of all Certificated Flight Instructors authorized to give instruction in Club Aircraft. The Safety Committee is responsible for the review and implementation of safe flying practices and training. Operation of any club aircraft in violation of applicable Federal Aviation Regulations or in an unsafe manner will not be tolerated.
    3. The Club Officers are authorized to appoint as many Ad Hoc committees of Regular Members as are necessary to fulfill the Club purposes, e.g., for the Club social activities.


  1. Insurance: The Club shall maintain insurance on all aircraft against damage to the hull from ground and flight damage, and liability insurance to protect the Club and its members against liability, actions, suits for damages, or judgements of third persons. The Board of Officers shall determine the adequacy of all insurance coverage. The Club assumes no responsibility to a Member for the results of any act or omission while operating Club aircraft except for the protection afforded by such policy or policies of insurance carried by the Club.
  2. Damage to Aircraft: Damage to any aircraft shall be promptly reported to the Club General Manager, the Club Maintenance Officer or any other Club Officer. Members are directly responsible for the safe operation of any aircraft under their control. All aircraft are to be operated in accordance with the applicable Federal Aviation Regulations, the operating limitations of the aircraft as set forth by the manufacturer and Club Operational Rules. In the event of damage to a Club aircraft, its engine or equipment, which damage is proximately caused by an act or omission of a Club member, such member shall be liable for the damage sustained and may be assessed the uninsured, non-reimbursable cost of repair or replacement.
  3. Gross Negligence or Willful Damage: If any member is found by the Accident Investigation Committee to have caused loss, damage, destruction, or injury to the Club or its aircraft, engines, or equipment through gross negligence or willful violation of any regulation or rule of the Federal Government, any state or the Club or while under the influence of drugs, alcohol or other substances, the member or the member's estate will be held liable for all such loss, damage, or destruction.


  1. The Club Operational Rules are attached as Part B, incorporated by reference, and have the effect of the Club By-Laws.


  1. Any amendment or modification to these By-Laws shall require the approval of two-thirds of the voting membership present at a meeting called for such a purpose after 30 days written notice. Twenty percent (20%) of the number of active members shall constitute a quorum for Amendment or modification purposes. EXCEPTIONS - The Board of Officers may make decisions as to aircraft acquisition and disposition, set hourly flying rates, the initial membership fee and High Performance/Complex or other designated aircraft fee, and set annual dues. A simple majority of the members present at any meeting called for such purpose may modify the Club Operational Rules or Appendix A.

BLUE HORIZONS FLYING CLUB, INC. Adopted by unanimous vote of a membership quorum and entered on the official records of the Club this 7th day of June, 2021, in Millbury, Ohio.


Elaine Hogan

John Dauer

PART B Operational Rules

Effective: January 16th, 2023


  1. Aircraft provided by the Club are for the exclusive use of its members and their passengers. Members are required to conduct themselves in a manner that is a credit to the Club.
  2. Only Club Members, FAA designated examiners and those instructors approved by the board, are authorized to pilot Club aircraft.
  3. A member may use Club aircraft for personal transportation, for training of the member, or the member's pleasure. Club aircraft may not be used for commercial operation as defined by Federal Aviation Regulations. The club objective is to maintain an average ratio of 15 members per aircraft. A member who utilizes club aircraft to the extent that they are impeding other member's ability to utilize the aircraft may have a maximum flight time limit imposed at the discretion of the General Manager or Board of Officers.
  4. Certificated Flight Instructors approved by the Club are the only individuals who are authorized to give flight instruction in Club aircraft. Instructors are independent contractors and are not provided by the Club.
  5. Members may pilot only the Club aircraft for which they have received instruction from an Instructor approved by the Club. Additionally, members must satisfactorily complete a check ride with an approved Instructor in an aircraft of the same major model as the aircraft to be flown. Keys to the various aircraft are to be obtained from the Club hanger on Monday evenings, unless other arrangements are made mutually agreeable to the member and the General Manager.
  6. Club aircraft may be flown solo only by individuals who have a current medical certificate or meet the requirements of BasicMed and who have completed a flight review as set forth in FAR 61.56, or by student pilots that have flight instructor authorization for solo operation. Members are reminded that insurance coverage is not available if Club aircraft are flown without meeting the FAA's regulatory requirements.
  7. Smoking is not permitted in Club aircraft.
  8. Members should obtain an Aircraft Flight Manual/Pilot Operating Handbook for each Club aircraft flown.
  9. Monday evenings from 6:00 until 9:00, are designated as Club Membership Aircraft Maintenance Night. All members are encouraged to attend and learn maintenance practices and procedures for Club aircraft as well as enjoy fellowship with all Club members.

Reservation of Club Aircraft

  1. No member may fly a Club aircraft without scheduling time for the flight.
  2. Aircraft may be scheduled online. Login information will be provided for each member by the Board of Officers.
  3. Reserve only the time in which you will be using the aircraft.
  4. Reservation times are valid for 30 minutes after the time of initial reservation. After the 30 minute period, the reservation lapses and the reservation is forfeited.
  5. If the aircraft cannot be returned at the time stated in the schedule, update the schedule. Notify any other members affected by the change.
  6. If a member is unable to keep a reservation or arrives back early from a flight, the schedule should be updated so as to allow the aircraft to be used by other members.

Reporting Time and Expenses

  1. All flight time will be reported from the Hobbs meter in each aircraft based on each 1/10th of an hour that the aircraft is operated with the engine running. If at least half of the next 1/10th digit is displayed, that number is to be used as the ending time. Discrepancies should be noted in the flight log kept in each aircraft. If the Hobbs meter is inoperative, tachometer time may be used to report time of total operation. The use of tachometer time to report time of operation may be adjusted for billing purposes based on historic ratios between Hobbs and tachometer.
  2. PRINT your name neatly and fill out the flight log form completely. Members who fail to reserve an aircraft, document their flying time or do so in an illegible manner will be assessed a $25 administrative fee.
  3. If fuel is purchased a receipt must be obtained to receive fuel credit. The reimbursement policy for fuel purchases will vary from time to time. The current rate for reimbursement is depicted in Appendix A at the end of this section. The receipts should be obtained for purchase of other products, such as oil. Credit will be given for the dollar amount of such purchases. Expense statements must be turned in promptly with the monthly statement for credit. Any maintenance services purchased must have approval of the Club Maintenance Officer or the Club General Manager prior to having the service performed. Any maintenance performed outside of these guidelines could become the financial responsibility of the member who authorized the work.
  4. All maintenance squawks should be reported in the log kept in the aircraft, followed by notification of the Maintenance Officer or General Manager. If the aircraft is unfit for flight contact the Maintenance Officer or General Manager immediately, and alert any members who had the aircraft reserved within the next 24 hours.
  5. Check and follow the procedures for shutdown and securing the aircraft at the completion of all flights.

Club Annual Review

All active members, except those using student pilot certificates, are required to complete the Club annual review within the preceding twelve (12) calendar months to be eligible to act as PIC in Club aircraft. The Club annual review is accomplished by completing one of the following:

  1. Completing the Club annual recurrent training program as set forth in Exhibit 1; or
  2. Passing an FAA check ride for a pilot certificate, rating, or part 135 check, and completing the biographical portion of the club annual recurrent training form as Exhibit 1; or
  3. Successful completion of the FAA Wings program in a Club aircraft with Club instructors and completing the biographical portion of the Club Annual Recurrent Training Form as Exhibit 1; or
  4. Club instructors successfully completing the Club Instructor Proficiency Check (CIPC) and completing the biographical portion of the club annual recurrent training form as Exhibit 1.

Club Instructors

Only FAA Certificated Flight Instructors approved by the board of directors are allowed to provide instruction in Club aircraft. The Safety Officer will recommend and evaluate club instructors to the board.

  1. The list of approved club instructors is published on the club web site, and is also available from the club general manager.
  2. Club instructors are prohibited from providing instruction in club aircraft unless both the instructor and pilot are classified as members in good standing except by special permission of the board.
  3. Club instructors are prohibited from providing instruction in club aircraft unless the instructor has completed the Club Instructor Proficiency Check (CIPC) within the preceding twelve (12) calendar months. The CIPC is accomplished by completing one of the following:
    1. Passing an FAA practical test for a flight instructor certificate, add-on rating to a flight instructor certificate, or reinstatement of an expired flight instructor certificate.
    2. Passing the CIPC check ride.
      1. The CIPC check ride is conducted by check airmen designated by the board of directors. The check airmen must be flight instructors and members of the club in good standing.
      2. The CIPC check ride shall consist of the annual recurrent training of Part B, Exhibit 1 or other method approved by the Safety Officer.

Member Documentation

All active members will provide a copy (ideally e-mail a scan) of their medical certificate or BasicMed documentation, flight review and/or Wings program endorsement to the Club General Manager or Safety Officer upon renewal or completion. Failure to provide this information will result in the loss of flying privileges.

Cold Weather Operations

  1. All Club aircraft require preheat prior to being started when the temperature is below 30°F. Electric engine pre-heaters are installed on all aircraft. Plug heater in for a minimum of 6 to 10 hours before engine start. Use the 50' cord provided on the wall in the hangers. The plug on the aircraft is located next to the oil dipstick. Place the provded blanket over the engine cowling and install the nose plugs to help retain heat in the engine compartment. The Club's gas pre-heater (Red Dragon) is kept in the Club's hanger #39. Care should be exercised when using the gas pre-heater so as to not apply excessive heat to the cowl or other painted surfaces. Upon completion of preheating, return the gas heater and plug in to recharge the battery. If you are unfamiliar with preheating procedures, ask for assistance from a flight instructor of maintenance officer. The Club pre-heater becomes very hot and caution should be exercised to prevent severe burns.
  2. Prior to starting the engine, make sure that the primer is fully seated and locked. Upon starting the engine of the aircraft, allow the engine to warm up for several minutes at 1000 RPM prior to increasing power.
  3. Club aircraft are not to be flown with frost, snow or ice adhering to any surface. A heated hanger may be used at the individual Member's expense. Do not use any scrapers on any aircraft surface. Do not use de-icing products as they may damage painted surfaces on the aircraft.
  4. Club aircraft are prohibited from being operated on frozen surfaces such as rivers or lakes.

International Flights

International flights in club aircraft are not discouraged, but require prior written approval from any member of the board of officers.

PART B Exhibit 1 - Annual Recurrent Training

The Recurrent Training Record is available for download here.


The club annual recurrent training program and flight review (hereinafter "Club Review") is designed to ensure member pilots are proficient to legally, safely, and properly, operate club aircraft.

The Club Review exceeds the requirements of FAR 61.56. Pilots who successfully complete the Club Review will also receive an endorsement for completion of the flight review of FAR 61.56. This review shall be conducted by a club instructor using club aircraft.

The Club Review shall consist of a minimum of one (1) hour of ground instruction and evaluation of aeronautical knowledge, and a minimum of one (1) hour of flight instruction and evaluation of piloting skill.

Satisfactory performance

Satisfactory performance means that the member pilot has consistently demonstrated aeronautical knowledge and skill that meets or exceeds the standards set forth in this exhibit.

Upon successful completion of the Club Review, the Club instructor shall endorse the pilot's logbook for the completion of the flight review of FAR 61.56 (see AC61-65E for endorsement language), and certify that the pilot has successfully completed the BHFC Club Review of Club By Laws Part B, Exhibit 1 on a specified date in a manner acceptable to the Safety Officer.

The certifying instructor must have given training meeting these requirements in their entirety. Instruction is not transferable between instructors.

Unsatisfactory performance

Unsatisfactory performance means that the member pilot has not yet consistently demonstrated aeronautical knowledge and skill in the areas set forth in this exhibit. Any training should be logged as instruction received in the usual manner. No endorsements are issued for an unsatisfactory performance.

Should a member pilot's performance be disputed, the club Safety Officer shall be the final authority as to resolving the dispute.

Ground Instruction and Evaluation

The member pilot shall demonstrate sufficient aeronautical knowledge of the following areas, appropriate for the class of pilot certificate held (i.e. Private, Commercial, ATP):

  • Club By Laws Part B - Operating Rules.
  • Club By Laws Appendix A.
  • Aircraft systems (for each type of aircraft pilot is enabled to fly):
    • Engine and propeller.
    • Electrical system.
    • Vacuum system.
    • Pitot-static system.
    • Flight controls.
    • V-Speeds.
    • Limitations.
    • Emergency procedures.
  • Special emphasis areas:
    • Positive aircraft control.
    • Stall / spin awareness.
    • Collision avoidance.
    • Wake turbulence avoidance.
    • Land and hold short operations.
    • Runway incursion avoidance.
    • Controlled flight into terrain.
    • Aeronautical decision making and risk management
    • Checklist usage.
  • Radio communication procedures.
  • FAR Part 61. Sections applicable to maintaining pilot and medical requirements.
  • FAR Part 91. Sections pertaining to operations and flight rules.

Flight Instruction and Evaluation

The member pilot shall demonstrate sufficient aeronautical skill in the following areas of operation, appropriate for the class of pilot certificate held (i.e. Private, Commercial, ATP):

  • Preflight operations.
  • Normal Takeoff and Landing.
  • Crosswind takeoff and landing.
  • Short field takeoff and landing.
  • Soft field takeoff and landing.
  • Go-Around / rejected landing.
  • Steep turns.
  • Maneuvering during slow flight.
  • Power Off Stalls (straight and turning):
  • Flight by Reference to Instruments:
    • Straight and level flight.
    • Constant airspeed climbs and descents.
    • Turns to headings.
    • Recovery from unusual attitudes.
  • Emergency Operations:
    • Emergency approach and landing.
    • Emergency descent.
    • Equipment malfunctions.

Appendix A

Effective: June 1st, 2024

Monthly Dues

  1. Active members: $130
  2. Associate members: 50% of active membership
  3. Inactive members: $25

Hourly Rates (including fuel)

  1. Piper Warrior II N8115B: $99
  2. Piper Warrior II N607EA: $106
  3. Cessna 172S N315ME: $121
  4. Piper Cherokee Six N3772W: $165

"Wet" Reimbursement Rates

  1. $6.00 per gallon AvGas

Requirements to act as PIC in N3772W

  1. Private, Commercial, or ATP Pilot certificate.
  2. Minimum of 350 hours total time in aircraft.
  3. Minimum of 5 hours in type (Piper PA-32).
  4. Minimum of 1 hour of instruction by a club approved CFI, including 3 takeoffs and landings, at an aircraft weight within 200 pounds of maximum gross weight; may be part of 5 hour requirement in item #3.
  5. Logbook endorsement by a club-approved CFI.
  6. Three (3) hours in type within the preceding 6 calendar months, or flight check in type by a club CFI within the preceding 12 calendar months.
  7. Primary instruction prohibited.
  8. Minimum of 10 hours in an aircraft with a similar fuel system, subject to instructor's discretion.
  9. The club safety officer may waive any of these requirements that are not mandated by insurance on a case-by-case basis.
  10. Lean-of-peak operation is prohibited.