Learn to Fly

How much will it cost?

ItemQtyUnit PriceTotalNotes
Aircraft $99/hr$Assuming use of N8115B.
Instructor $45/hr †$
Monthly Dues $Excludes tax.
FAA Examiner1$500 †$500
Written Exam1$200 †$200
Misc1$200 †$200
Headset1$150 †$150
Medical Exam1$100 †$100
Approximate Grand Total: $
†Independent parties - prices will vary.
The membership deposit is not considered as a cost.
Aircraft, instruction, and calendar time will vary substantially between individuals.
This tool is provided as a convenience and should not be considered a promise of costs or availability. The actual pricing is set per our bylaws and any errors in this calculator are not binding.

Take the next steps...

  • Talk to a flight instructor or our General Manager

    We love to fly, and we're happy to help - regardless of whether you are interested in joining our club or not.

  • Submit an application for a 3rd class FAA medical.

    We regularly encounter potential pilots that consider themselves perfectly healthy, but have some history that warrants special documentation. Many issues are acceptable once they are documented, but this process can take time. We recommend starting this process early to minimize the chances of your progress being affected by paperwork.

    The FAA is specifically interested in whether you have ever, in your entire life, had, been diagnosed with, or currently have:

    • Frequent or severe headaches
    • Dizziness or fainting spell
    • Unconciousness for any reason
    • Eye or vision trouble except glasses
    • Hay fever or allergy
    • Asthma or lung disease
    • Heart or vascular trouble
    • High or low blood pressure
    • Stomach, liver, or intestinal trouble
    • Kidney stone or blood in urine
    • Diabetes
    • Neurological disorders such as epilepsy, seizures, stroke or paralysis
    • Mental disorders of any sort, including depression or anxiety
    • Substance dependence, ever failed a drug test, substance abuse, or use of illegal substance in the previous two years
    • Alcohol dependence or abuse
    • Suicide attempt
    • Motion sickness requiring medication
    • Military medical discharge
    • Medical rejection by military service
    • Rejection for health or life insurance
    • Admission to a hospital
    • Other illness, disability, or surgery

    Once you're ready to make an appointment with a local FAA medical examiner, create an FAA MedXPress account and submit the application. The FAA medical examiner will access this online application to complete your exam.

  • Join the Club
  • Contact a Club Flight Instructor to schedule your first training flight

    Important: Your instructor is required, by law, to verify and document your U.S. citizenship or other eligibility before flying with you. You must provide your instructor with an original, unexpired government-issued photo ID (such as a driver's license) AND a U.S. birth certificate with official seal, or an original, unexpired U.S. Passport.